
Contact Us

  • Phone: (570) 437-0728
  • Email:
  • Mailing Address: 2 Church Hill Road, Danville, PA 17821



Iron Mill Kids

At Iron Mill Kids, our goal is to provide a caring and encouraging environment for kids to learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

You don't have to be at Iron Mill long to discover that there are a lot of kids and we love them. In our Iron Mill Kids discipleship experience, kids learn and play in an exciting and safe environment. Our friendly, trained, and screened volunteers are committed to teaching your children about the Gospel and growing in Jesus.  Iron Mill Kids is age-divided into three classrooms and teaches God’s Word through the use of Lifeway's Hyfi curriculum.

How Do I Get My Child Checked-In?

Walking through the church doors, you can make your way to the Iron Mill Kids Check-In station.  A volunteer will get your kid checked into our database ensuring that they are connected to your family and that any special notes are communicated to their teacher.  You and your child will each receive a sticker name tag with a unique code on it. The code will ensure that you are the only person allowed to pick the child up after the service.  After receiving the stickers, walk your child down to their appropriate classroom for a fun time with Iron Mill Kids.

Which Classroom Will My Iron Mill Kid Be In? What Do Iron Mill Kids Do During Class?

Puddlers Classroom: This classroom is for ages 0-3. There are at least two volunteers in this room at all times, one teacher and one helper (we add more if needed with numbers or needy babies). The children in this room will have structured play time, a bible story lesson video along with a coloring activity page. Snacks are also available for our little ones.

Miners Classroom: This classroom is for children age 4-1st grade. In this room the children will be greeted by their teacher and helper. There are always two volunteers in this room! In this classroom the kids get more hands-on with crafts and activities. They will participate in a bible story lesson video along with an activity page and interactive activities that go along with that week's bible lesson! 

Forgers Classroom: This classroom is for kids in grades 2-5. The children in this classroom will sit with their parents during the beginning of the service for worship. Pastor Jason or Pastor Brandon will dismiss the kids to go down to their classroom. The kids in this classroom will have a story lesson video along with activity and journal pages and hands on crafts and activities.


Iron Mill Kids Permission Form

Is your child in Iron Mill Kids? Please make sure a parent or legal guardian has filled out a permission form for each of your children.

IMK Permission Form


For more information about Iron Mill Kids, you can email the ministry director, Phebe, at

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